Let Go & Let God

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There are some common sayings that we use that may not be Biblical. We’ll take a look at these and what the Bible has to say about it!

DISCUSSION GUIDE: July 14 – Mike Antuma

“Let Go And Let God”

LIFE: What is an example of something you’ve had to hold onto tightly for safety?


  1. Read Matthew 14:25-31.
  2. What are some things in your life you’ve had trouble letting go of (eg: fear, anger, shame, grudges, FOMO, regrets)?
  3. Have you had a time when you confessed to God that you needed to stop trying to control things?  In what ways has God helped take these things from you? 
  4. Have you had a revelatory moment when you understood you don’t “let God” because He already has it? Take a moment to read Job chapter 38 and be reminded of all God knows and does!
  5. How have you learned to follow God better by letting go and trusting God with all things?  What good things have you seen happen in your life since then?
  6. What ways do you still play a role in your relationship with God once you let Him have something in your life?  Are you embracing God daily and following His leadership?

MAKE DISCIPLES:  Think of someone in your life now who is going through tough circumstances.  What are some ways in which you can encourage him or her to let go and trust God?