Everything Is Possible

b  r  i  d  g  e  w  a  y



There are some common sayings that we use that may not be Biblical. We’ll take a look at these and what the Bible has to say about it!

DISCUSSION GUIDE: July 21 – Susan Hoover

“Everything Is Possible”

LIFE: What is your favorite kind of pie?


  1. Read Mark 9:14-29, Col 3:1-3
  2. Is there something in life that you don’t believe is possible to change?  Is there something that you don’t believe will ever happen?
  3. What makes it hard to believe the impossible?  Have you been limiting God?  Stuck in a box?  In a routine?  Jaded by disappointments?
  4. What do today’s verses have to say about who God is?
  5. What is an example in the Bible that shows God can do the impossible? 
  6.  Susan Hoover saw the dark clouds and said, “Something good is going to happen!”  We have Jesus and He is “out of the box”.  What if we really believed what He said?  What is something you need to see yourself sitting with Victory in Jesus?

MAKE DISCIPLES: How can you show the love of Jesus in our community this week? Have you signed up for Serve Day?  Jump onto our website and let’s show the love of Jesus together on Saturday, July 27 from 8:30am – 12pm.