How Do You Respond?

b  r  i  d  g  e  w  a  y



This series is all about the anticipation of Christmas and the promised King! Consider walking through advent as a group in some way or completing a Christmas bible reading plan!

DISCUSSION GUIDE: December 15 – Ron Aulbach

“How Do You Respond?”

LIFE:  Were you a part of Christmas programs as a kid? What was that like for you? 


  1. Read Matthew 1:19-20, Matthew 2:3, Luke 1:46-48, Luke 2:9-10, Jeremiah 23:1-6.
  2. What is your experience with personality tests?
  3. Which of these attachment styles do you most closely identify with:  secure, anxious, fearful, or avoidant?
  4. How did King Herod respond to the news of the birth of the King of the Jews?  What happened to those around Herod due to his personality and leadership? 
  5. How do you respond to the story of Jesus’ birth?
  6. What happens to those around us if we don’t move toward living out of security? 
  7. How do we gain security through the story of Jesus’ birth? 

MAKE DISCIPLES:  Often people may be open to going to church, but simply need an invitation.  Who can you invite to one of the Christmas services?