b r i d g e w a y
What does the Bible have to say about politics? That is the thrust of this series – not pushing a certain politic or leader, but rather on how to be centered on Jesus and caring well for others in the midst of election season.
DISCUSSION GUIDE: October 6 – Ron Aulbach
“How Should I Vote?”
LIFE: What is your favorite part of Fall?
- Read Romans 13:1-7.
- What is your initial reaction to this passage in Romans? Why do you think you react that way?
- Which part of these verses is the hardest to follow?
- How did Jesus approach government policies and the leaders?
- How can we bring compassion with us during this political season?
- How do we bring conviction into our voting?
- How do we do all of this with civility?
- How do we keep the kingdom of heaven over the kingdom of this earth?
MAKE DISCIPLES: How do we encourage others to engage in this season of politics with compassion, civility, and conviction?