How Should I Vote?

b  r  i  d  g  e  w  a  y



What does the Bible have to say about politics? That is the thrust of this series – not pushing a certain politic or leader, but rather on how to be centered on Jesus and caring well for others in the midst of election season.

DISCUSSION GUIDE: October 6 – Ron Aulbach

“How Should I Vote?”

LIFE: What is your favorite part of Fall?


  1. Read Romans 13:1-7.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this passage in Romans? Why do you think you react that way?
  3. Which part of these verses is the hardest to follow?
  4. How did Jesus approach government policies and the leaders?  
  5. How can we bring compassion with us during this political season? 
  6. How do we bring conviction into our voting? 
  7. How do we do all of this with civility?
  8. How do we keep the kingdom of heaven over the kingdom of this earth?

MAKE DISCIPLES:  How do we encourage others to engage in this season of politics with compassion, civility, and conviction?