b r i d g e w a y
What does the Bible have to say about politics? That is the thrust of this series – not pushing a certain politic or leader, but rather on how to be centered on Jesus and caring well for others in the midst of election season.
DISCUSSION GUIDE: September 29 – Ron Aulbach
“How to Deal with a Corrupt Government”
LIFE: What is your favorite childhood game?
- Read Daniel 6:1-24.
- How do we live like Daniel did? In what ways can we “look up” instead of to the “left” or to the “right” politically?
- “Kingdoms { political leaders and people} that don’t know God will think they are God.” Can you name some examples of this that you see daily?
- “There are lots of politicians; there are too few prophets.” What does it mean to be a modern day prophet?
- What is God preparing you for in this season?
- What are ways to make your prayer life more public instead of completely private?
MAKE DISCIPLES: How can you speak truth and value to those around you when conversations come around to politics? Ask God to lovingly prepare you for such conversations.