b r i d g e w a y
Remember the “For Our Future” information meeting will be held on February 2 after both services!
DISCUSSION GUIDE: January 12 – Ron Aulbach
“How To Hear God’s Voice”
LIFE: What is a highlight of your past week? What is one low?
- Read 1 Samuel 3:1-11.
- In what ways have you heard God’s voice in your life? Give at least one example.
- How do you invite God to speak to you throughout your day?
- What would it look like to power off your device for a chunk of time today to better hear God’s voice?
- When have you paid attention well to inner promptings? When have you ignored the inner promptings and later regretted it?
- How can you include worship into your life this week?
- What do you do to include prayer and Bible reading in your life?
MAKE DISCIPLES: What can we do to be more intentional about spiritual conversations with others? Be prepared to ask someone this week questions like: How has God been working in your life lately? Is there anything you would like me to pray about for you?