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21 Days – Bible Reading!  Join us from January 26-February 16 as we take on a Bible reading challenge together to hear God, grow in faith, and reach others.   See the plan at the bottom of this sermon discussion guide or on our website.

DISCUSSION GUIDE: February 2 – Ron Aulbach

“Next Up!”

LIFE:  What is your first memory with Bridgeway? 


  1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21.
  2. Why would Elisha burn all his plow gear and animals? What would that look like today? 
  3. Who does God use? 
  4. What does it mean that we all are in full time ministry?  Do you know what your calling is?
  5. How is the church called out?  How do personal and corporate callings integrate?
  6. What does it look like for us to follow God wholeheartedly?
  7. What ministries would you like to grow into this year?

MAKE DISCIPLES:  Who can you encourage in ministry this week?