b r i d g e w a y
21 Days – Bible Reading! Join us from January 26-February 16 as we take on a Bible reading challenge together to hear God, grow in faith, and reach others. See the plan at the bottom of this sermon discussion guide or on our website.
DISCUSSION GUIDE: February 2 – Ron Aulbach
“Next Up!”
LIFE: What is your first memory with Bridgeway?
- Read 1 Kings 19:19-21.
- Why would Elisha burn all his plow gear and animals? What would that look like today?
- Who does God use?
- What does it mean that we all are in full time ministry? Do you know what your calling is?
- How is the church called out? How do personal and corporate callings integrate?
- What does it look like for us to follow God wholeheartedly?
- What ministries would you like to grow into this year?
MAKE DISCIPLES: Who can you encourage in ministry this week?