Post Election Tension

b  r  i  d  g  e  w  a  y



In this series we explore the struggles of mental health and how the Bible speaks into them. 

DISCUSSION GUIDE: November 10 – Justin Gill

“Post Election Tension”

LIFE:  What is your pet motivated by? 


  1. Read 1 John 2:9-11.
  2. Why is hatred incompatible with Jesus? 
  3. Name a time when something you felt passionate about blinded you to what’s most important.
  4. How do we be slow to anger like it says in Proverbs 19:11?
  5. Read Luke 6:32-36.  
  6. The verses in Luke tell us to love others, even our enemies.  How hard is that?  Share a time when you saw this play out well. 
  7. Are the people with whom you are experiencing conflict currently really your enemies? 
  8. Pastor Justin made the statement, “We chase what motivates us.”  What motivates you?  Is it money, popularity, praise, politics, being right, or something else?
  9. What if we were motivated by Jesus first?  How would that change our interactions? 

MAKE DISCIPLES:  How can you help heal relationships that may have been hurt recently?