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25 June – Mike Antuma Revelation 19 & 20
WELCOME: Spend 15 – 20 minutes catching up with your group members and sharing prayer requests. Take some time to pray over each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Revelation 19 & 20.
SHARE: What’s an experience you’ve had where someone stepped in and saved the day at the last minute?
- Read Revelation 19:11-21 & 20:10
- How do you typically envision Jesus? How is it similar or different from the image of Jesus we get in this passage?
- Do you cling onto hope in Jesus when things feel bleak? How so?
- What evil do you notice in the world around you? How does it impact you, knowing that Jesus will vanquish ALL evil?
- What mysteries do you have in your life that you would like God to answer?
- What areas of your life have you not given God full control? How can you give this to God today?
OTHERS: How does this passage impact the way you view others, God’s role in their lives, and God’s role in the lives of our enemies?