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You’ve found a great tool to help you take the sermons deeper. Discuss these questions below with your group, your family, or a friend! Let us know if you find this tool helpful.
Ron’s challenge: Read through Genesis, one chapter a day, as we go through this sermon series, specifically focusing on chapters 1-11!
DISCUSSION GUIDE: May 12 – Ron Aulbach
“How Has God Blessed Your Family?”
LIFE: What part of family do you like the most?
- Read Genesis 9:1-3, 8-13.
- How has God blessed your family?
- What does God’s covenant with Noah tell you about God?
- What does the image of a rainbow tell you about God?
- What floods of life has God brought you and your family through?
- We are so very blessed by God. How can you, in turn, bless others this week?
MAKE DISCIPLES: Think of one or more family members or friends that you can ask this week how they have been blessed by God.