Does Prayer Work


9 October – Ron Aulbach – Genesis 18:16-33

WELCOME: Spend 20-30 minutes catching up with each member of the group and sharing prayer requests. Make sure to spend a few minutes praying for each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Genesis 18:16-33.

SHARE: What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word prayer?


  1. Read  Genesis 18:16-33
  2. What can we learn about prayer from Abraham’s prayer? 
  3. What do we learn about God? 
  4. Share an experience you’ve had where God responded to your prayers.
  5. God is always talking to us, what have you been hearing from God this week?
  6. What will you start or work to improve in your prayer life this month? Prayer journal, prayer nights, prayer for others, prayer with others?
  7. Does prayer work?

OTHERS: Who do you find it hard to pray for? Who can you pray for that you normally wouldn’t?

CHALLENGE: Ask someone this week, “How can I pray for you?”