Having A Vision For Your Life
20 August – Ron Aulbach Romans 12:2
WELCOME: Spend 15 – 20 minutes catching up with your group members and sharing prayer requests. Take some time to pray over each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Romans 12:2.
SHARE: What has been a highlight of your summer?
- Read Romans 12:2.
- What kinds of things have caused you the most growth in your life?
- What systems of conformity do you see in our culture today?
- What are some patterns of this world that are easy to conform to? Why is that the case?
- How are we called to be different from the world, as Christians?
- How are we transformed? How can we encourage this transformation?
OTHERS: What can we do this week to encourage each other towards the renewing of our mind? As you take time with God this week, could you send a verse, or encouragement to others to find a few minutes to be rooted in the word and prayer?