Play Pound Pray – Sermon Discussion Guide
2 October – Bridge of Hope Luke 18:16
WELCOME: Spend 20-30 minutes catching up with each member of the group and sharing prayer requests. Make sure to spend a few minutes praying for each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Luke 18:16.
SHARE: Have you ever had an interaction with someone different than you that surprised you in a positive way? If so, how?
- Read Luke 18:16
- Why is it important to play? How has God used it to connect people?
- Have you ever been on a mission trip? What did God do in you at that time?
- What keeps people from serving? Or taking a trip with Bridge of Hope? What about you?
- Where have you seen the power of prayer? Share a story.
- God says that if we ask for anything according to his will, he hears us…so what can you ask for today?
- Have you prayed today? Have you tried praying everyday for a week and see what God does? What about everyday for a month? Join us as we are about to start our prayer series!
GLOBAL: How can we as a church continue to support Bridge of Hope and the teams that travel to Guatemala?