PUZZLE PIECES – Sermon Discussion Guide
25 September – Mike Antuma
Acts 4:23-32
WELCOME: Spend 20-30 minutes catching up with each member of the group and sharing prayer requests. Make sure to spend a few minutes praying for each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Acts 4:23-32.
SHARE: Why do you like or not like puzzles?
- Read Acts 4:23-32
- What does verse 25 tell us about how the Bible is written? What does that mean for what we read today?
- What do you see in the world that drives you to pray?
- What does it mean to be bold for Christ? Who do you know that is?
- What is your piece of the puzzle in God’s Kingdom? What is your gift that God has given you? Are you developing your gift to make yourself better?
- God made everyone with a specific and special purpose. God knows all. He doesn’t make mistakes. What is something in your life you struggle with that you don’t like about yourself? How can you grow and turn that thing you hate into a strength?
BOLD: Who can you be bold with this week? Who needs to hear about your experience with Jesus in groups?