The Scroll & The One
28 May – Justin Gill Revelation 5
WELCOME: Spend 15 – 20 minutes catching up with your group members and sharing prayer requests. Take some time to pray over each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Revelation 5..
SHARE: When was the last time you wrote a handwritten note? Do you write on both sides of it? What is so powerful about letters/notes?
- Read Revelation 5
- Pastor Justin said the Scroll is thought of as the will of God. What is the “will of God”?
- What picture of Jesus do we get in this chapter?
- When was the last time you were stuck?
- Sometimes we can be stuck because our hope is in the wrong thing. What do I replace a hope in Jesus with?
- Why is Jesus the only one who can open the scroll?
- How can you worship God this week?
REPENT: Are you stuck, focused on something other than Jesus for your hope? How can you help others who are feeling stuck in that way?