What is the Gospel?
22 October – Ron Aulbach Galatians 1:1-9
WELCOME: Spend 15 – 20 minutes catching up with your group members and sharing prayer requests. Take some time to pray over each other. If possible try to have a quiet time in Galatians 1:1-9.
SHARE: What are you a “fair weather” only when times are good, fan of?
- Read Galatians 1:1-9.
- What do people do to find peace? Where have you looked that didn’t give you peace?
- What is the Gospel?
- What are some examples of false gospels our culture pushes?
- What draws people to other gospels?
- What elevates the biblical Gospel compared to the false gospels of our culture?
OTHERS: Who can you invite along in this sermon series? Who can you share with what God is doing in you through Galatians?